Sunday, March 18, 2012

Frailty, Thy Name is Human...

I've always thought of myself as a kind person - compassionate, empathetic, and understanding. As I have been recovering from my injury these last few months, I realize I may have been giving myself too much credit.

Don't get me wrong, I think I am indeed a kind person, maybe even compassionate, but empathetic and understanding, yeah, now I'm not so sure.

You see, I've always been the kind of person who, much like the Weebles of my childhood, doesn't stay down for too long. Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. But even if I do get knocked down, I get up again pretty quickly, because, let's face it, there really isn't much other choice. Keep on truckin', as they say.

I'd listen to friends/colleagues/employees talk about problems, sometimes even really awful, life-altering ones that were physically or mentally debilitating, and although I felt for them, and felt genuine concern, my reaction inside was always, "Enough already. Time to get back on the horse."

Until recently.

Recently I've learned the lesson that sometimes even the simplest things we take for granted in daily life can become huge challenges.

I've always been an anxious person, worrying and obsessing over the smallest details. Reliving mistakes over and over. But recently, as I'm learning is common for some patients recovering from head injuries, especially women, the anxiety is stronger than ever. Every minute of every day, I'm mindful of how I feel -- Am I better? Worse? The same? And I'm just as mindful about what I'm doing -- Am I doing too much? Not doing enough? Is it too noisy in here? Are the lights too bright? Am I going to be feeling this later?

I can almost hear my grandmother's voice in my head: You need a hobby. A hobby that isn't worrying.

I wouldn't mind all of this so much if it served a purpose, and it stopped there. I don't think it's unhealthy to ask myself those questions -- what's unhealthy is to be thinking those things ALL the time, to the point where it interferes with daily life.

Acupuncture has been helping my anxiety a lot. I also have a prescription for Zoloft, the presence of which makes me feel reassured, although I have yet to take it. I'm not against taking it - it's just one more thing to obsess about.

Although anxiety is no stranger, I've never been someone to be slowed down by it. I travel all the time, frequently by myself, and it doesn't bother me a single bit. Post-injury, I find myself scared of even the smallest, most random activities, like waiting in line. Ever present in my head is the fear that I will pass out, despite the fact that I haven't passed out one time this whole journey. What I really fear is a loss of control and being vulnerable. Friends and family try to convince me that New Yorkers are essentially good and that, if I did pass out, someone would help me. And if the worst happens, if I fall over and die on 9th Avenue, I'll be dead and won't care.

Intellectually I believe them, but emotionally, not so much.

Taking the subway is a challenge, being underground at the mercy of the train really revs my anxiety, my heart feels like it's going to explode and I'm sure the person next to me hates me because I fidget constantly, but I force myself to do it at least once a day. Mainly because I know that I can't afford to never ride the subway again. If I stray too far from my neighborhood, I tell myself that escape is at hand if I just put my hand up and hail a cab.

Sometimes I'm more successful than others.

Just today, I was walking around my neighborhood, running some errands and trying to burn off some energy, trying to push the anxious thoughts from my head, knowing that exercise would help. Then I went into Starbucks, a Starbucks where I had been dozens of times before (although not Len's daily haunt). The line wasn't long, surprising for a Sunday at noon. I ordered, and then it hit me, a full fledged panic attack. I felt like the whole place was spinning, I was nauseous, my legs were trembling, my hands were shaking and all I wanted to do was run. I thought I'd die. Somehow I managed to talk myself down, tell myself it was all in my head, quickly paid and then fled.

And as soon as I was on the other side of the door, outside in the cool spring air, I felt two immediate thoughts wash over me -- One said, "You need to get home right now." And the other, "This is what it felt like for J." "J.", as I'll call her, was an employee of mine who only worked for me a short time - a time plagued by frequent absences, and ultimately, a medical leave. J. suffered from mental and physical illness, which as a human, I thought I understood and felt compassion for, but as a manager, I candidly didn't have much patience for. She rarely showed up for work and, more often than not, when she did, she was distracted. I just couldn't wrap my head around some of her actions -- how she would call and say that she had gotten halfway to work and then had to turn around, she just couldn't make it all the way in. "How hard is it," I would ask myself, "For her to just stay on the bus and come to work?"

Now I know the answer: Pretty damn hard.

In the midst of my heart-pounding, gut-wrenching panic, I felt compassion for her, and for anyone else suffering from things they can't understand or control. I thought of all of the times I had judged others for what I perceived as weakness -- but the truth is I've never judged anyone more critically than I judge myself. Safely on the other side of my apartment door, I cried tears of fear, sadness, empathy, and relief.

I know that I will keep marching myself defiantly back into that Starbucks and onto the subway until I can do so without fear, even if it takes 1,000 more panic attacks to get there.

Because I know that feeling this way won't last forever. This too shall pass.

The perspective and compassion I've gained I hope stick around a little longer. If everything happens for a reason, and I do believe that's true, they have been worth the price of admission.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Defying Gravity

Tomorrow brings the biggest day of my professional career each year -- our annual signature fundraising event for Girls Inc.

It's an intimate gathering of about 800 people, raising nearly 1M, so it's a simple affair. Ahem.

All I can say if, should I ever get married, I won't be stressed at all about planning a wedding. Having worked on this event seven years running (with plenty of help and, in the past several years, in the capable hands of others on my team), plus hundreds of other events, I'm sure my little chapel wedding at the Shady Pines Nursing Home in 50 years should be a snap.

As much work and pressure as it is, I love this event. And the main reason is it reminds me how much we can make a difference in the lives of others.

The girls served by Girls Inc. are by and large "at-risk." 70% come from households earning less than 30K a year. Most are girls of color. Nearly half live with only one parent, most often their mother.

Most Girls Inc. programming takes place after school, so for many, it's their safe space to go after the school day ends. Girls Inc. offers research-based programs delivered by trained professionals -- programs designed to meet the unique needs of girls.

But beyond that, it's the people at Girls Inc. that really make a difference. At Girls Inc., girls find caring adults they can trust. Adults who believe that they can do anything. Because they can.

Our event is so special because Girls Inc. National Scholars, winners of our annual scholarships, stand in front of this room of nearly 800 people and aren't afraid to share their stories.

And their stories aren't easy ones. Gangs, physical and mental abuse, parental substance abuse, illness, extreme poverty and homelessness.

But the one thing they all have in common is that, at Girls Inc. they found a home away from home, and within those walls, they found people who encouraged and believed in them. And that made all the difference.

So they stand in front of this room now on the way to college and careers that they never dreamed possible.

I love this event because it reminds me that the possibilities in life are infinite -- and perhaps more importantly, it makes me think of how fortunate I was to have people in my life who believed in me and my abilities, who encouraged me, and who saw possibilities where I saw obstacles.

We all have people like that in our lives. For some, it's our parents, but more often, it goes beyond that, to grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, friends, neighbors, coaches.

In a world where the most negative news stories get top billing, where we build up public figures to tear them down again, to stop and think about how we can be forces for good in the lives of others is a powerful thing.

So tomorrow when we celebrate these girls and our event honorees, women who have achieved great success in their respective fields and now serve as role models for girls forging their own paths, I'll be thinking of those people who supported me along the way and sending them a silent thank you. As the song goes, "Because I knew you, I've been changed for good."

And I'll be reminding myself to repay what has been given to me by encouraging others to reach beyond what they think is possible, and by doing so, I'll be reminding myself too.

So even if the lights go off, the sound system fails, or our slideshow presentation gets Rickrolled (please God no), I'll try to remember what's really important and be thankful.

And then I'll be ready for a really long nap.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Butter & Oil

I don't know how many of you caught this week's SNL with the spoof of Paula Deen.

If not, catch it here:

I thought it was hilarious, even though I do love me some Paula Deen. I want to go to her house and eat ham biscuits and red velvet cake. I confess that, as a diehard NYer, I picture all middle-aged white women from the South looking just like Paula Deen. If you're from the South, and I haven't met your mom, whenever you talk about her, I picture Paula Deen. This is terrible, I know, but I can't help myself.

Part of me wants to be Paula Deen when I grow up, without the diabetes and without the actual cooking part, since I don't want to turn on the stove. I have lived in my apartment for four years without turning it on once and I have a record to maintain.

I hope the allegations of racism and sexual harassment against Ms. Paula aren't true. They sound pretty awful and I would find it very upsetting if proven true. Her food looks mighty good (butter and oil) and I find her personal story to be inspiring. She's flawed and I like that. I also like that Paula has two sons that have followed her into the family business. I don't have children (yet) but I always thought I'd be a good mother to sons, and Paula's wiseacre sons make me laugh. It's rare that men follow their mother's lead into business, but I like how they built the business together and how Paula admits that she couldn't have done it, become Paula Deen, without all of their efforts. I'm not sure what family business my sons would follow me into, since watching television is not a family business that I know of, but give me time and I'm sure I'll think of something.

I recently watched Paula on Oprah's Next Chapter and was riveted by the agoraphobia she suffered from for two decades. Essentially both of her parents died within a short period of time and Paula somehow got it into her head that if she just stayed inside, she could protect herself and her family from additional heartache and loss. So that's what she did. For twenty years. Twenty years people. Somehow hearing that makes me feel reassured and a little less crazy. I could see my controlling self thinking exactly what Paula did, but thankfully I haven't gotten there yet.

Above all, I admire Paula because she's not afraid to pee her pants on national television, which I'm pretty sure she did on this episode of Oprah's Next Chapter. (I can't find a good clip but Google if you're curious.) Getting on the trampoline that she had built for her grandkids, she warned us that she might, her whole staff said she might, and I'm pretty sure she did.

I don't know about you, but from where I sit, getting from being afraid to leave your house for twenty years to not being afraid to pee your pants in front of millions of people while wearing your nightgown is a pretty big leap to me. Now, I'm not endorsing peeing your pants in public, but I found it refreshing, and yes, a little inspiring to see that she was able to face her fears in life and not let them control her. She moved forward and built a life ... a life that includes peeing your pants on Oprah. I'd pee my pants for Oprah. That's good tv.

So whenever I'm feeling like things seem a little daunting and overwhelming, I'll think of Paula and remember that if I just move forward one step at a time, day by day, and keep a sense of humor about yourself, you never know what can lie ahead.

Like an endorsement deal with Depends.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Law & Order

I read an article this week where it was reported that 85% of Americans report they have been treated "rudely" by another person. Ever. This was quoted as a staggeringly high statistic.

And I thought, "That's it?" Who are the other 15%? Babies? Animals? Deaf or blind maybe? France? Betty White perhaps?

I feel like all I have to do is leave my apartment in the morning to be set-up to be treated rudely. And sometimes even that's not necessary because I can be pretty awful to my own self.

Now granted, I do live in New York City, but I don't buy into the stereotype that New Yorkers are ruder than any other group. I personally think it's a numbers game -- with so many people here, you're bound to run into someone rude or be a party to rude behavior; it's inevitable. I've actually been treated far worse in allegedly more civilized places, like the suburbs.

And that's not to say that I'm a saint either. I've been known to eye roll with the best of them when waiting my definition of too long for someone or something, and I am the person you hear behind you muttering, "We're walking, we're walking ... oh, are we walking backwards now?" when you're meandering down the street and I'm in a hurry (which is always). And yes, on the subway platform, impatiently waiting for a train and frustrated that I couldn't see around the head of the person next to me, I did say, "Oh my God! Move your freaking head..." only to have the person turn around and force me to finish the sentence with "Steve Buscemi..."

Maybe I'm a cynic (maybe) but this leaves me thinking that maybe the other 15% just aren't recognizing the rudeness or, unbelievably to me, maybe they're just not taking it personally. Maybe they're just letting it roll off their backs. What's that quote about how you can't control things but you can control your reaction to them? Sounds like I'm lacking in the wisdom to know the difference department. Maybe I could learn something from them.


For those of you who know me, it likely comes as no surprise that righteous indignation is the fuel that I run on, it's the air that I breathe. I am pretty much always worked up about something not being "fair" or "right," with most cases not involving me at all (read: none of my business), so it's not that easy for me to walk away from the rude. It's likely not an accident that my career involves helping to right the wrongs of social injustice and helping to level the playing field.

I'm not sure where this comes from, but coming from a family with a lot of cops and firemen doesn't help any. Add in the thick layer of Irish Catholic guilt and there's a recipe for disaster right there. Right and wrong is in my bloodline.

In one of my earliest childhood memories, my dad decided to unload a fish tank and a trunk and some other treasures (aka junk) by selling them at a yard sale. He put me in charge and sat me down in the yard to keep an eye on them. He then went inside the house and about his business. Well, clearly I wasn't doing a great job being the keeper of the crap because next thing I knew the stuff was being loaded into the back of a van by a couple of guys. I nonchalantly told my dad, who quickly sprang into action to catch these "thieves." He ran back into the house, grabbed something (which my memory tells me was his gun from his police days but that may be a figment of my previously established overactive imagination) and sped off in the car to chase them down, leaving me alone in the now crap-free yard.

When he returned a bit later, albeit empty handed (I guess he didn't catch up to them), he was ranting and raving about how these guys had taken advantage of a child (me) by stealing right out from under my nose. These punks were pretty much taking candy from an actual baby.

Yeah, that's right, that junk was mine and they stole it! How dare they?

That fish tank with a hole in it and that broken down trunk were my precious treasures! My inheritance! I tell you, my life would be complete if I had that trunk.

Now, part of me thinks that even my four year old self knew that stuff was crap, which is why I let them take it without even an eyebrow raise, and 35 years later I'm even more sure that those guys thought that stuff was garbage and that it was being given away. Or maybe I was thinking, "If you put a four year old in charge of a yard sale, this is what you get." And I won't even start in on how you shouldn't leave a four year old completely alone even in the name of justice.

But nevertheless, my lifelong overdeveloped sense of justice was born, fed by both my parents, and especially me.

And even though I consider myself to be a compassionate person, when right or wrong is concerned, I show no mercy. I mounted a campaign at one of my jobs against a corporate wide e-mail screener they had installed -- designed to scan all of our incoming and outgoing messages for "profanity." Unfortunately, the scanner was as zealous as Kenneth on 30 Rock working in standards and practices, stopping emails being sent to people legitimately named "Dick" and designating the word "gay" as profane. I called our Human Resources department and let them know that "gay" certainly isn't profane and it sure would be a shame if, I don't know, GLAAD, found out that our company now felt this way. The screener disappeared but I enjoyed calling myself Norma Gay for awhile after.

And witness my nemesis - a woman I run into daily at Starbucks. She's nasty, pushy, and rude. When I see her, my blood pressure rockets and I immediately tense up.

She's also a quadriplegic in a wheelchair, which, for most people with a human heart, might make a difference -- they might show a little empathy, understand that her road is not an easy one. Not me. Rude is rude.

Just yesterday I was walking through midtown, and there was a couple trying to take a picture of their kids (actually there were millions of people taking pictures, this just happened to be the scene I came across). I said, "I'm so sorry," and smiled as the mother was waving me through the frame, then I realized that what I thought she said, "No worries, come on," was actually "Hurry up, come on," and my pace slowed to that of a snail's. I think we sprang forward and fell back in the time that it took me to walk through that shot. I may not have a lot of patience, but to make a point, I can pace this three foot patch of land all day, destroying the potential for countless family memories if I have to.

I'm not proud I feel that way, but I do. Wrong is wrong. And that's just not right.

But what is right?

Damned if I know.

Having spent most of my life focusing on the wrong, I'm not sure I could identify right in a lineup. To me doing right is not doing what I perceive as wrong.

I like to think of myself as an optimistic person, and I think I am overall. I believe in the power of positive thinking, I believe that most people are good, and that you manifest what you put out there, which is why I'm becoming a little concerned with this wrong business. Apparently, what I'm putting out there is not what I want or what I think is right, but what's wrong. How is the universe, using me as an agent of change in my own life, supposed to bring me what's right with this kind of misinformation?

Somewhere Oprah cries for me. Maybe Gayle too. And probably Dr. Phil. Dr. Oz has already given up.

What do I want? For you/me/them/my Starbucks nemesis to NOT do that, that's what I want. But when you're always thinking in don't's and wrongs like I am, you lose sight of the do's and the rights.

It's like Kenny Rogers says, maybe the "best you can hope for is to die in your sleep." Maybe what I need to be grateful for are all of the bad things that AREN'T happening to me.

It's come to my mind a lot lately too as I recover from the concussion, and take steps forward and steps back. I know when I feel bad, but I'm not as good as recognizing that I feel better, and I worry that's slowing this whole situation down. I was telling this to a true optimist the other day and he actually couldn't understand me. He made me repeat it several times before he could actually somewhat understand. "But you ARE better, right? You are getting better." He's right. Overall I'm a lot better and that is very right indeed. The more I can focus on that the better but for me there's always a but -- "What am I doing wrong? How could I make this better?"

Right doesn't exist without wrong in my mind. Two wrongs certainly don't make a right, but can't we have some rights without a wrong? Can't I find a way to define the right without the wrong? Is it even possible?

It must be for that 15% percent of mystery people who have never experienced rudeness. All they know -- or claim to know, which I'd argue is the same thing -- is sunshine and happiness. Is that the best way to live? I don't know. Maybe, like everything, it's a balance, a middle ground, a place of grey.

But grey has never been my color (I'm a Spring after all). The middle ground is not a place I feel comfortable. I'm the kind who goes down swinging.

I'd rather be in the 85%. I guarantee that's where all of my friends and family are. It must be boring in the 15% -- they're probably not complaining or gossiping or feeling put upon. So let the 15% cure cancer or whatever important things they must be doing with their time. My people will be watching the Jersey Shore.

So maybe the trick for me is to learn what right is for me, and let it exist without wrong. Let myself be happy and revel in right when it happens, instead of waiting for wrong to arrive and let the other shoe drop.

And when wrong arrives, I can still give it a little hell. If I didn't, I wouldn't be me. Maybe it will arrive a little less often, since I won't be looking for it so much.

But I guarantee it still makes an appearance each weekday at 8:45 a.m. in Starbucks, in line squarely in front of Len.